


zAs a temporary housing, the container room is becoming more and more indispensable in many industries because of its mobility, environmental protection, wind resistance, warmth preservation, shock proof and convenience. It is important to pay attention to not to modify the internal structure casually, otherwise it is likely to bury hidden dangers. Why can't the container be changed at will?


1、 The interior of the container room for residents is better not to set up kitchen space, in case of operation problems, the fire loss is huge.


2、 If not for special personnel, do not change any structure of the container room, especially in the container of the occupants do not use open fire stove.


3、 Electric welding construction shall not be carried out at the wall approaching, fire protection equipment shall be installed for heating stove in winter, and metal pipe shall be selected when laying indoor lines. Metal pipes shall be reliably grounded or other refractory pipes shall be used for protection when passing through the wall. The roof which needs to be waterproof shall not be used with spray lights on the material.


4、 Do not store inflammable and explosive dangerous goods such as gasoline and fire oil in the container. Especially in the high temperature season in summer, safety should be placed in the front.


Therefore, although the fire protection level of the living container room is very high, it can not be used too casually. All wires in the room shall be laid and set with non combustible pipe groove. The wires shall not be installed in the ceiling, and the appearance of wires shall be pulled and connected randomly.
